terror group Boko Haram

Two female suicide bombers were killed by explosives wired round their bodies early Monday when security operatives in Maiduguri city, the capital of Nigeria's northeastern state of Borno, prevented them from gaining entry into their target area.

A spokesperson for the National Emergency Management Agency told Xinhua the security operatives, who accosted the female suicide attackers, foiled the attacks near the University of Maiduguri in the northern city.

No other casualty was recorded, except the two female bombers, said the agency's spokesperson.

The attack was foiled two days after a bomb explosion was heard at a mosque in the same city. Four people were injured in the weekend explosion, according to local authorities.

Maiduguri, the birthplace of terror group Boko Haram, had also served as the armed group's headquarters and spiritual base for several years until the Nigerian military cleared their largest training camp last December.

Boko Haram is blamed for more than 20,000 deaths and displacement of 2.3 million people since 2009.

Source: Xinhua