Daesh leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi

Supreme State Security Prosecution on Wednesday said investigations with the two terrorist cells known as "Helwan and Giza" revealed that they have pledged allegiance to Daesh leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi.

The two cells have carried out 19 operations against police officers and facilities as well as government institutions.

Prosecution investigators, led by First Attormey General of the Supreme State Security Prosecution Khalid Diyaa and Attorney General Mohammad Wagih, revealed that the 32 defendants involved in the case of Helwan and Giza terrorist cells have been involved in carrying out 19 attacks against police checkpoints with the use of motorbikes along with assassination of eight police officers and personnel of Helwan police station investigators while they were heading for a work mission.

Prosecution accused the defendants of premeditated murder, plotting assassination, resistance of forces, possession of unlicensed arms, disruption of public order, intimidation of people as well as infringement of constitution and national peace and security.

Defendants are also accused of manufacturing and possessing explosive materials, joining a takfiri group inciting attacks against state authorities and institutions, sabotage and robbery at gunpoint. 

Investigations carried out by the National Security Apparatus uncovered the identity of 23 defendants who were jailed pending further investigations by the supreme state prosecution. 

Eighteen out of the 23 defendants have admitted committing crimes mentioned before. Prosecution have listened to evidence by 89 eyewitnesses before declaring the accusations levelled against the criminals.

Investigations also unveiled that the attacks implemented by the two cells were carried out during the period from 2015 till last October.

Accusations also included acknowledgement by 14 defendants of joining a Takfiri group which incites for attacks against state facilities, resistance of forces, assaulting public and private property as well as targeting police and army personnel and their facilities.

Other defendants also admitted that the group has provided them with shelters and venues for assembly, funds as well as other logistics to carry out their attacks.

Investigations also revealed that defendants damaged a number of buildings, governmental facilities and robbed a mail office in May 15 City on the outskirts of Cairo.

Source: MENA