Cowardly attack on civilians in Iraq

A UAE newspaper has said that despite a major defeat on the battlefield, terrorist groups continue to pose a huge threat especially to ordinary citizens in Iraq and that needs to be addressed effectively.

Two suicide bombings at a busy street market in central Baghdad on Monday that claimed several lives turned out to be the deadliest since last month’s declaration of victory over the Daesh group.

"The bombings came just two days after another suicide bomber struck a police checkpoint in northern Baghdad, killing eight people," said The Gulf Today in an editorial on Wednesday.

The paper continued, "The twin explosions are shocking especially because large attacks had decreased significantly in Baghdad and other parts of country since security forces retook nearly all territory once held by Daesh militants."

As per the International Organisation for Migration, IOM, the number of Iraqis returning to their area of origin has surpassed those internally displaced for the first time since December 2013, when the country became engulfed in conflict with Daesh terrorists.

On 9th December, Prime Minister Haider Al Abadi announced Iraq’s victory over Daesh and by the end of the year, IOM had identified 3.2 million people who had returned back to their place of origin – while a staggering 2.6 million remained displaced.

According to UN officials, Iraqis who remain displaced are among the most vulnerable, as they face obstacles to return, including damage or destruction of their home and local infrastructure, financial limitations and other constraints.

"Iraqi civilians have suffered for too long and there is a dire need to ensure their safety and security. All steps should be taken to eliminate Daesh sleeper cells," added the editorial comment.

"While the Iraqi security officials need to maintain greater vigilance, the people themselves should remain totally united so as to tackle terrorists whose sole aim is to derail the country’s recovery after a long conflict," concluded the Sharjah-based daily.