Clashes in Hodeida kill 90 Houthis in past 24 hours

 Fierce battles between Yemeni government forces and Shiite Houthi rebels on the country’s west coast have killed more than 100 fighters in the past 24 hours, officials said on Sunday.
The bodies of at least 90 Houthi rebels were taken to a hospital in the Red Sea city of Hodeida, which is controlled by the insurgents, while 19 dead soldiers were taken to the southern port city of Aden, the medical and military sources said.
Deadly clashes have shaken the area around the key Red Sea town of Mokha since the start of the year when loyalist fighters launched an offensive to oust the Iran-backed Houthis and their allies.
Loyalists backed by the firepower of a Saudi-led Arab coalition advanced Saturday into the town after having captured its port on Monday, despite fierce rebel resistance.
Clashes raged in the town on Sunday, a military official said.
Air strikes by coalition warplanes hit rebel supplies along the route between Mokha and Hodeida, the official said.
Houthi forces had controlled Mokha since they overran the capital Sanaa in September 2014 and advanced on other regions aided by troops loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh.
Forces supporting President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, backed by the coalition, launched a vast offensive on January 7 to retake the coastline overlooking the strategic Bab Al-Mandab Strait.

Source : Arab News