Mohammed Houli Chemlal,

Mohammed Houli Chemlal, a suspect in the recent Barcelona terror attacks, revealed on Tuesday before Madrid’s High Court that a more extensive attack had been planned.

International news outlets reported that four suspects, including Chemlal, appeared before the judge on Tuesday. Chemlal was reportedly injured due to the gas explosion that took place in Alcanar on August 16, which Catalan investigators have linked to the attacks in Barcelona.

Two vehicle-ramming attacks were committed on August 17 in Catalonia in northeastern Spain, killing 14 people and injuring at least 100 people of 18 different nationalities in the touristic center of Barcelona.

The terror attacks were committed by a 12-member cell. Seven members of the alleged cell were killed by the Spanish authorities at the crime scene. Another, Youness Abouyaaqoub, was killed on Monday after he fled from the police the previous Friday.

According to Spanish authorities, 11 members of the cell have been identified. Telegraph claimed that three of the killed people were aged between 17 and 23:Moussa Oukabir , Mohammed Hychami, and Said Aallaa, as named by Spanish media.

The other suspects are Omar Hychami and Houssaine Ayouaaguoub “who is presumed to be a family member of Younes Aouyaaquoub, the suspected driver of the Ramblas van who remains on the run,” added the Telegraph
