PKK militants

A total of 7 militants of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) have been killed in airstrikes carried out in Tunceli province of eastern Turkey, written statements released by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) said on Thursday.
The airstrikes were launched Wednesday around 9:30 p.m. local time, after Turkish forces received information that PKK militants was planning an attack.
The Turkish military operation also targeted shelters and arsenals used by PKK in the region.
Turkish warplanes have conducted several air raids against PKK and its offshoot People's Protection Units (YPG) targets in northern Iraq, northeastern Syria and southeastern Turkey since Tuesday, in which around 100 militants were killed, while shelters, arsenals and communication centers were destroyed.
Founded in 1978, the PKK, which is listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States and the Europe Union, resumed its armed campaign in July 2015 after a brief reconciliation.

Source: Xinhua