Settlers gun down violent Palestinian teen

Frustrated and driven to the point of no return due to the unending Zionist aggression, a Palestinian teen took an extreme step on Thursday when he broke into a home in a West Bank settlement and stabbed a 13-year-old Jewish girl to death. 
The attacker, identified as a 17-year-old high school dropout, was fatally shot by security guards.
The Palestinian Health Ministry identified him as Mohammed Tarayreh from the Bani Naim village near Kiryat Arba. An earlier report had him as being 19.
The family was surprised by the attack and speculated that the teen may have been spurred to action after the death of a cousin who was killed while attempting to ram Israelis in Kiryat Arba.
The hospital identified the slain girl as Hallel Yaffa Ariel. She was a cousin of Uri Ariel, a Cabinet minister from the Jewish Home, a party affiliated with the West Bank settler movement. The minister later said Israel would make “every effort” to build up settlements in the West Bank.
Continuing with the policy of collective punishment, Israel said it was revoking Israeli work permits for members of Tarayreh’s extended family, and preparations were being made to demolish the family’s home — a much criticized Israeli tactic.
The military said private Israeli security guards at the settlement had fired at Tarayreh as he tried to flee the attack scene. One guard was stabbed before the assailant was killed, the army said. Emergency services’ spokesman Yonatan Yagodovsky said the stabbed man was in serious condition.
Later, a Palestinian from the Israeli-occupied West Bank stabbed a man and woman in the Israeli seaside town of Netanya before being shot dead by a passing civilian, police said.

Source: Arab News