Israeli jails

Over 1,500 Palestinians held in Israeli jails today entered their 14th day of open hunger strike in protest for their basic rights in Israeli jails, which include ending the policy of administrative detention, solitary confinement and the prevention of lawyer and family visits and other legitimate demands.

Palestinian hunger striking prisoners have been enduring harsh detention conditions especially after the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) carried out a large-scale transfer campaign against them.

On the 13th day of the hunger strike, Saturday, the health condition for striking detainees is deteriorating after they have lost 10 kg of their weight. They have severe pains in the head and stomach and they are not able to move. (Testimonies of striking detainees at Ofer prison)

The suppression force (Alimaz) stormed the rooms of striking detainees at dawn, searched their rooms and took the salt. Jailers also deliberately provide food for striking detainees as a form of psychological torture. (Testimonies of striking detainees at Ofer prison)

Prisons’ administration deprives the striking detainees of cold water and provides hot water instead, after the confiscation of their clothes to force them to wear the uniform of the Prisons’ Service, which is allowed to be washed only once a week. (Testimonies of striking detainees at Ofer prison)

Human rights organizations decided not to appear before the occupation courts, starting on Sunday. This decision comes in compliance with the decision of the National Committee for supporting the strike.

The Israeli prisons’ administration continues to prevent lawyers from Human Rights Organizations from visiting the striking detainees, except for “Ofer” and “Ashkelon” prisons.

The prisons’ administration continues to transfer a number of striking detainees, such as transferring Raed Sa’di, Amjad Al-deek and Yusri Al-masri from Nafaha prison to Holikdar prison.

A number of released detainees embarked on a hunger strike in support of their comrades in jails, including the dean of detainees Fakhri Barghouthi.

The events and activities of the strike continue. On Sunday, prayers will be performed in churches in support of striking detainees, and there is a call for Christian and Muslim clerics to be at the sit-in strike tents. As well as, events will be held in Gaza at Saraya square.