
 Palestinian Foreign Ministry called Sunday for forming an international front to support the outcomes of the Paris peace conference.

The ministry said in an emailed press statement that the implementation of the conference outcomes requires a wide international front to support it.

The statement described the conference as an international demonstration to realize peace between Palestinians and Israelis, expressing it's anger from Israel's continued defiance of the obligations of peace and its violations that undermine the two state solution, mainly settlement activity.

It added that holding the conference is seen as a new achievement by Palestinian diplomacy led by President Mahmoud Abbas with the aim to relaunch serious and fruitful peace negotiations with Israel, in accordance with Arab and international peace references, within a predetermined time frame and under international supervision and follow up.

The ministry called on the incoming American Administration under U.S. President-elect Donald Trump to back the outcomes of the Paris conference and build on it toward launching serious negotiations to implement the two state solution and end the conflict.

It also called on the Israeli society to look at the conference with positivity and value the opportunity to reach peace.

The international peace conference in Paris kicked off Sunday, attended by foreign ministers from nearly 70 countries and five international organizations, the European Union, United Nations, Arab League, Islamic Conference Organization and the African Union, but without representatives from Palestine or Israel.

Paris hosted an international ministerial meeting on June 3, attended by the foreign ministers of 25 countries, including four Arab countries, which debated the revival of the stalled peace process between Israel and Palestine.

The meeting was held based on an initiative launched by France a few months ago to hold an international conference to look into an international mechanism to end the Palestinian- Israeli conflict based on the two-state solution.

Israel declared it is against the French initiative and said it is committed to bilateral negotiations in order to realize peace without preconditions.

The peace talks between Israel and Palestine have been stalled since April 2014. The U.S.-sponsored talks that lasted for nine months achieved no tangible results.

source: Xinhua