Israeli occupation forces.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on warned against dealing with daily illegal barbaric arrests implemented by the Israeli occupation forces as “normal” and mere figures added to the statistics, concealing the magnitude of the great suffering incurred by families and Palestinian families due to the arrest of their children and the destruction of their homes And their contents.

In a statement issued on Sunday evening, the ministry condemned the brutal campaigns of arrest and abductions carried out by the Israeli occupation forces against Palestinian citizens throughout the country and the campaign of arrests and abductions carried out against our people and cadres in Occupied East Jerusalem and its environs.

It also condemned the barbaric incursions carried out by the Israeli occupation forces and their various apparatuses in the Palestinian areas, amid the heavy firing of bullets in the late hours of the night and the accompanying destruction and destruction of the houses and contents of the citizens, especially during the arrests and kidnappings. In the same context, the Ministry strongly condemned the arrest of the occupation forces of the Governor of Jerusalem and a number of cadres, including Colonel Jihad al-Faqih and others.

In addition, the ministry stressed that the arrests and the accompanying provocative practices and beatings and abuse of citizens are flagrant and flagrant violations of international law, international humanitarian law, human rights principles and the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The ministry called on the local, regional and international human rights and humanitarian organizations to document all crimes related to the campaigns of arrest and kidnapping in order to submit them to the competent international courts.

The silence and indifference of the international community to the large-scale arrests and torture campaigns and the failure to hold Israeli officials accountable for those crimes encouraged the occupying authorities to continue to commit them daily.