Israeli occupation arrest 17 Palestinians from al Quds, West Bank

Israeli forces Tuesday detained at least 17 Palestinians mostly in multiple overnight raids across the West Bank and East Jerusalem, said WAFA correspondent and security sources.

An undercover Israeli army unit Monday night infiltrated into Qalandia refugee camp, north of Jerusalem, using civilian vehicles, and kidnapped three Palestinians.

Following the detection of the undercover unit, regular Israeli forces deployed at the camp entrance indiscriminately fired tear gas canisters, concussion bombs and rubber-coated steel bullets at local youngsters who came out to confront the soldiers.

Three Palestinians were injured; one with a rubber-coated steel bullet in the head and the others with live rounds in lower extremities.

They were rushed to Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah. Scores others suffered from teargas inhalation.

Several hours later, forces stormed the family homes of the three detainees, thoroughly searching them.

Separately, Israeli police detained three Palestinians, including a woman, after storming their homes in East Jerusalem neighborhood of al-Tur.

Police detained three others during separate similar raids into East Jerusalem neighborhoods of al-Issawiya, Silwan and Shufat refugee camp.

They also detained a Palestinian after breaking into and searching his home during a raid into Hizma town, northeast of Jerusalem.

In the northern West Bank, Israeli forces detained three Palestinians after storming their family homes during a raid that triggered clashes in Jaba' town, southwest of Jenin.

They also conducted a similar raid into the neighboring town of Arraba, where they detained a Palestinian, ransacked several homes and interrogated their owners.

Meanwhile, two Palestinians were detained after being stopped by Israeli troops at a flying checkpoint at the eastern entrance to Qalqilia city.

Source: MENA