Israeli forces arrest 14 Palestinians in various areas of WB

Israeli occupation forces arrested Wednesday 14 young Palestinians in various areas of the West Bank.

The Israeli forces detained four young Palestinians from Kalandia refugee camp in northern Al Quds, during a massive raid on the camp.

A helicopter flew over the camp at dawn, while the Israeli troops were storming the camp and Kafr Aqab neighborhood, according to eyewitnesses. 

The young Palestinians responded by throwing stones and empty bottles on the Israeli forces, but Hebrew sources said armed clashes occurred between the Israeli soldiers and the young men of the camp. However no injuries were reported.

The Israeli forces used poison gas canisters, flash and sound grenades during the clashes, the sources added.

Also, Israeli troops detained three young Palestinians from the towns of Meithalun and Bir al Basha in Jenin, northern West Bank.

In addition, the Israeli soldiers arrested seven young Palestinian men from different areas in the city of Nablus, northern West Bank.

Source: MENA