Israel to expand illegal settlement in response to stab attack

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has approved plan to build 42 settlement units in Kiryat Arba illegal settlement near Hebron, as a “punishment” against the Palestinian stabbing attack that took place on Thursday killing a 13-year-old Israeli girl.

According to the Israeli Channel 2, Netanyahu consulted with his minister of Army, Avigdor Lieberman before approving the plan.

This step came after Netanyahu and Lieberman visited the settlement on Friday and met with the parents of the teenager, who also called for building more homes in the illegal settlement in response to the killing of their daughter.

The Palestinian attacker from a village near Hebron had been shot dead on the spot.

The next day two more Palestinians were killed by Israeli soldiers in Hebron and Qalandia, including a pregnant woman.

In addition, IOF has closed down the city of Hebron now for the third consecutive day in response to the attack, beseiging over 600,000 Hebronites.

Source: PNN