Ma’aleh Adumim settlement

Israeli Occupation Authorities on Saturday night have decided to ban Palestinain workers from entering Ma’aleh Adumim settlement south of Ramallah until next Thursday.

The decision was taken as a “security measure” following the Friday dawn stabbing operative in the settlement that left an Israeli guard in critical condition.

The decision excludes a number of workers who are “basic” to the work.

In mid January as well, IOA issued an order to remove immediately all Arab workers from the Gush Etzion settlement, including from stores and businesses reportedly to halt Palestinian stabbing operatives.

A similar ban was also carried out following the Duma arson attack that killed three of the Palestinian Dawabsheh family, when IOF banned some workers from entering specific Israeli-occupied areas to avoid “retaliation.”

Since the start of October, over 180 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire, under the pretext of stabbing operatives or alleged attempts. At least 30 of the victims were children and seven of them were women.

Some 27 settlers and soldiers have been injured is such attacks.

The uprising came after the burning alive of the Dawabsheh Family in July 31, and the repetitive Israeli attacks on Al-Aqsa mosque, in addition to the continuous apartheid policies against Palestinians which include movement restrictions, home demolitions, administrative detentions and more.

SOurce: PNN