Israel demolishes Palestinian homes

Israeli bulldozers in the Arab city of Lod demolished a Palestinian-owned house under the pretext its was built without an Israeli-issued permit.
The bulldozers escorted by Israeli police who cordoned off the area during the demolition, demolished the house of al-Faqir family, leaving it homeless, the Palestinian Info and News Agency (WAFA).

The municipality issued a demolition notice against Al Faqir’s family house six months ago, under the pretext that it was built without a permit.

Al Faqir family was even forced to entirely demolish their own house and was threatened to be fined in case bulldozers of the municipality did the demolition.

As a result, the family was fined 150,000 shekels to pay for Israeli government’s bulldozers and the policemen who provided protection for the bulldozers.

Last week, bulldozers of the Israeli municipality of West Jerusalem demolished two Palestinian homes in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan under the same pretext.
Palestinians say they were forced to build without permit because getting permits from the all-Israeli municipality was impossible.

Israel, as part of its demographic war with the Palestinians, plans to keep the number of Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem to a minimum while multiplying the number of Jews in the city by building illegal settlements and thousands of homes for Jews while denying Palestinians building permits, WAFA reported.

Source: BNA