Al-Aqsa Mosque

A total of 86 Jewish settlers stormed on Sunday Al Aqsa Mosque from Mugharba Gate amid tight security by the Israeli police.

Palestinian news agency (Wafa) said the settlers tried to practice Talmudic rituals in the holy mosque, while the worshipers shouted out protest slogans.

Meanwhile, the Israeli forces blocked a local road connecting the villages of Ras Karkar and Deir Ebzea with each other, according to local sources.

Israeli soldiers blocked the road to Palestinian traffic, forcing Palestinian drivers to use an alternative and longer road to reach their work.

Israeli forces recently blocked with cement cubes several roads in Ramallah district in the central West Bank region in response to a live fire attack near Aboud village, west of Ramallah, which left an Israeli settler injured.

Source: MENA