Trade Envoy Richard Risby

Prime Ministerial Trade Envoy to Algeria Lord Richard Risby, expressed Sunday in Algiers "satisfaction" with the quality of the relations which link the two countries, voicing his wish to further develop them in the future.
In a statement to the press after his meeting with Health Minister Abdelmalek Boudiaf, Risby hailed the progress achieved in terms of hospital infrastructure, notably in the Anti-Cancer Centres (CAC), adding that UK is ready to support Algeria in this field.
For his part, the Minister of Health said that the visit of the British Prime Minister’s Envoy falls within the scope of the preparation to the conference on investment opportunities in Algeria, scheduled on Dec. 10, 2014 in London under the presidency of the Prime Ministers of both countries.
He said that Great Britain, through the pharmaceutical companies AstraZeneca and GSK, followed with interest the development of the health sector in Algeria.
British companies contribute alongside foreign companies to build the new University Hospital of Tlemcen, he recalled.
Source: APS