Egyptian irrigation Minister Hossam Moghazi

A project is underway to construct a culvert to transfer Nile water beneath the new Suez Canal expansion. The project will be completed in early July before the inauguration of the new Suez Suez Canal scheduled on August 6, Irrigation and Water Resources Minister Hossam Moghazi said.

The ministry will complete the 420-km “Sarabium culvert” within one and a half month from now at a cost of EGP 182 million, the minister said during a visit of Ismailia city.

The mega culvert is the largest water project beneath the new Suez Canal and is an expansion to the old one, the minister said.

It aims to provide irrigation water from Sinai canal and secure its transfer beneath the new Suez Canal lane to farmers in east of Suez, New Ismailia city and the lakes area to irrigate 100,000 feddans of farmlands, he said.
Source: MENA