Jordanian spokesman Muhammad al-Momani

Jordanian government spokesman Muhammad al Momani asserted that Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi's participation in World Economic Forum (WEF) was highly important in view of Egypt's position and its importance in the region.

In statements to MENA on the fringe of WEF meetings, which wrapped up here on Saturday, Momani said Jordan is defending Egypt in all international fora based on its well-established belief that Egypt has high importance in achieving regional stability and confronting various challenges.

We were keen to listen to Sisi's vision for the Egyptian state and other regional challenges, he added.

Commenting on the outcome of the forum, Momani said Jordan signed a number of agreements and launching projects worth dlrs 6.9 billions on the fringe of the forum.

Investment potentials at the value of dlrs 20 billion in the fields of new and renewable energy, transport, water, information technology, infrastructure and tourism were also floated during the event, he added.

He also urged consolidating efforts to halt terrorism and stand up to the challenges facing the region.

He said the regional World Economic Forum in Jordan on Saturday heard a discussion on tackling violent extremism in the Middle East and beyond.

Ayad Allawi, vice president of Iraq – where ISIS has claimed swathes of territory – was part of the panel at the Dead Sea resort.

“The biggest challenge we face is extremism and terrorism,” said Allawi, adding that this is a problem felt worldwide.
Source: MENA