President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi

President Abdel Fattah El Sisi stressed that all projects under implementation have to be completed on schedule without delay.

The Armed Forces Engineering Authority is expected to carry out 1,400 projects and complete the first phase of major road projects by August 6, the president said as quoted by presidential spokesman Alaa Youssef.

The president underlined that projects fulfilling the needs of citizens, raising their standard of living and improving the services provided to them, especially in the education and health fields, have to be accomplished, Youssef said.

He also gave directives to develop schools, prepare training courses for teachers during the summer vacation and overhaul the National Heart Institute within a one-month period, the spokesman said.

Giving special attention to limited-income brackets, the president said that prices have to be controlled to prevent price hikes and commodities have to be made available.

Sisi said comprehensive development communities will be established under the one-million feddan reclamation project, which is not constrained to agriculture.

The Farafra project, which covers 10,000 feddans and will be inaugurated in October, will be a model to follow under the framework of the one-million feddan reclamation project, he said.

The president called on officials to find new means to get funding required for the projects without breaking any regulations in light of the available weak funding resources, the spokesman said.

The president apologized to Egyptian lawyers and citizens who were offended by any means, stressing the importance of respecting citizen rights and freedoms.

Sisi also thanked Egyptian community members in Europe who headed to Germany and Hungary during his visit just to greet him.
Source: MENA