Jordanian Minister of planning Dr Ibrahim Saif

The Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, Ibrahim Saif, has said that the private sector's inability to create enough jobs has led to the current high level of unemployment, especially among young people, including women, and the emergence of a large number of small companies involved in small, low-income generating activities.
Speaking during the launch of "Jobs and privileges" report last Thursday at the University of Jordan, he underlined the need to pave the way forward and enhance competitiveness that can lead to creation of more job opportunities for young people.
The Minister said the report was important as it comes at a time when the focus should be on creating jobs in the region. The report contains an analysis of the scenario in several countries, including Jordan.
Saif noted that as per the report, new data has emerged in the region after the Arab Spring, in addition to enumerating the existing facilities in the selected countries, and brought out the quality of institutions that created the largest number of jobs and how they vary in different parts of the world.
Regional Director of the World Bank for the Middle East, Farid Belhaj, stressed that this study is an opportunity to affix accountability of all the relevant authorities responsible for stimulating the economy in order to generate employment opportunities for young people, and that accountability is a must for Jordan and the World Bank if policies are to generate jobs and meet the aspirations of all the young people.
Source: Petra