Foreign minister Sameh shoukry

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said "our partnership with Germany enhances Egypt's march towards development".

In exclusive statements to MENA at the end of his four-day visit to Germany, Shoukry added that he believed that the German side was convinced that Egypt's stability would have its positive impact on regional stability and efforts to overcome joint challenges facing Egypt and Germany.

The German side asserted keenness on maintaining relations with Egypt to serve the best interests of both countries, the foreign minister said.

Both sides also agreed on exchanging visits to explore more possible domains of bilateral cooperation, he added.

Within this context, German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel and the interior and transport ministers will pay a visit to Egypt, the Egyptian top diplomat said.

Gabriel will be accompanied by representatives of a number of German companies which are interested in investing in Egypt, Shoukry added, voicing hope that intensified contacts would continue between both sides to serve mutual interests and support Egypt both a the development and political levels.

As for terrorism-combat efforts, Shoukry said Cairo had repeatedly warned about the spread of violence and terror everywhere and called for mobilizing efforts to root out the sources of financing world terrorism.

To this end, an integrated world plan shall be seriously adopted to put an end to terror threats, not only by military means but also by adopting means to change education curricula and religious discourse, the minister said, noting that President Abdel Fattah El Sisi had always referred to these points.

The Egyptian vision on how to handle terrorism is clear to all partners, he added.

The top diplomat noted that the presence of Egypt's House of Representatives would further create a new effective channel for cooperation with Germany and other partners at the parliamentary level.

The minister said he reviewed with German officials Cairo's viewpoint towards the recent Saudi-Iranian tension and the Turkish stances towards Middle Eastern issues.

The EU, in general, and Germany, in particular, are following up the developments in Turkey, said Shoukry, referring to the presence of Turkish communities in Germany.

During the visit, Shoukry held about 20 expanded meetings with senior government officials, lawmakers, businessmen, investors, intellectuals and media figures in the European country.