Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab

Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab underlined that the situation in Egypt has been improving greatly and that August 6, the inauguration of the new Suez Canal project, will be a significant event in Egypt’s modern history.

During a meeting with members of the Egyptian community in Milan on Thursday, Mahlab said his visit of Italy focused on encouraging Italian tourism to Egypt, a technical development project and the establishment of an international furniture city in Damietta.

He conveyed President Abdel Fattah El Sisi’s greetings to the members and reviewed with them the internal situation in Egypt.

Progress has been achieved in the political, economic, social and security domains and terrorism is being eradicated in Sinai, he said.

Mahlab stressed that the new Suez Canal lane, which was built in a record period, will add great value to the development of the Suez Canal region industrially and commercially.

During the meeting, the community members proposed setting up a new branch of an Egyptian bank in Rome and resolving the issue of social insurance and driving licenses.
Source: MENA