Irrigation Minister Hossam Moghazy

Water Resources and Irrigation Minister Hossam Moghazy asserted that the new cabinet mission is to serve people and double production and performance scores.

In a press conference on Saturday after swearing in before President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, Moghazy pledged to break the routine and speed up communication and coordination with various ministries.

He added “there is no place for any delinquent or corrupted official.”

The minister also said that the president assigned the new government with communicating with society components including citizens, officials and media outlets to present the truth to the public.

The president also directed the new cabinet to cooperate with research centers in universities to set sustainable plans.

Sisi also directed to give more attention to short-term projects as well as huge national projects including the reclamation of 1.5 million feddans.

Earlier, the government took oath before the president.

The lineup included 33 ministers, 16 new members of the cabinet of Ibrahim Mahlab.

Source: MENA