Head of HCP Ahmed Lahlimi Alami

Morocco will achieve over 90% of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) set by the end of 2015, said high commissioner for planning Ahmed Lahlimi Alami.
The MDGs indicators show that extreme poverty and famine were almost erased from Morocco since the year 2000 and the multidimensional forms of poverty are on the wane in the urban zone. Thus, Morocco will achieve by the end of 2015 over of 90% of the targeted MDGs, said Lahlimi during a debate on "post-2015 development goals", on the occasion of the presentation of the 5th National report on 2012 MDGs.
 However, he noted that these multidimensional forms of poverty, despite their decline, remain an aspect of the rural zone and less urbanized regions, attributing his MDGs estimates in Morocco to a schooling rate of 97% of kids aged 6-11 in 2012 and a 91% equality index in primary education over 2011-2012.
 Morocco made progress also in the health sector mainly decreasing maternal and child mortality by 60% and 66% in twenty years, he said.
 He added that access to basic social services was reinforced with the percentage of rural electrification beneficiaries standing at 98% in 2012 against 9.7% in 1994, and that of drinking water at 93% versus 14%.
 The high commissioner for planning underlined that Morocco was able to maintain, since the year 2000, an average yearly growth rate of 4.4% between 2000 and 2014, noting that unemployment rate dropped since 1999 with a slight increase since 2011 to reach around 9.8% in 2014.
Source: MAP