Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta admitted on Friday that Kenya is in dire need of additional officers, the Kenyan broadcasting corporation reported.
President Kenyatta through a statement said, “I take full responsibility for this directive. We have suffered unnecessarily due to shortage of security personnel.”
Kenyatta further directed the Inspector General of Police to take urgent steps and ensure that the police recruits, whose enrollment is pending, promptly report for training at the Kenya Police College.
“On behalf of my Government, I extend condolences to the families of those who have perished in this attack,” he said.
Kenyatta also urged Kenyans to stay vigilant and to provide the authorities with any information they may have in connection with any threats to security.
“This is a moment for everyone throughout the country to be vigilant as we continue to confront and defeat our enemies,” he concluded.
Source: MENA