Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab

Egypt's Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab asserted that honorable Egyptian workers are the ones who will build Egypt and help in achieve a better future for Egyptians.
This came during Mahlab's meeting with members of the Egyptian Trade Union Federation (ETUF) board of directors and heads of general unions. The meeting was also attended by the manpower minister and head of ETUF.
During the meeting, Mahlab pointed out that the country is witnessing a critical phase that requires more work to be surpassed, asserting that sit-ins and strikes will not help in reaching the planned goals.
Meanwhile, Mahlab urged members of ETUF to always hold contacts with workers and solve their problems.
Turning to unions law, the prime minister asserted that the new law will not be issued without the approval of labor, adding that talks were held with Egyptian workers concerning the law articles to reach a settlement.  Source: MENA