Environment Minister Khaled Fahmi

Environment Minister Khaled Fahmi underlined that the green economy is the best way to achieve aspired development in Egypt.
"We spoke about the green economy and now it is time to implement it, relate it to the poor and establish mechanisms to finance the African countries, especially in new projects," the minister said.
He further underscored that the green economy will provide new job opportunities and achieve economic development.
These remarks came during a press conference held by Fahmi.
The conference was attended by Foreign Minister Assistant for the Environmental Affairs Mahmoud Samy.
During the event, the Egyptian study of the green economy, which was prepared last year, was launched.
The study was carried out in cooperation with the United Nations program and discussed on Saturday in the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment.
Fahmi said that the study tackles four sectors namely; water, agriculture, energy and wastes.
Source: MENA