Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis Wendesday ruled out that the issue of a Greek exit from the Eurzone would be discussed by the Eurozone finance ministers who are holding an extraordinary meeting on Greece.
"Of course not," he replied on the issue to reporters ahead of the meeting. He added that "I'm confident we will have a very constructive meeting today." On her part, Christine Lagarde, IMF Managing Director, said the Greeks are "competent and intelligent persons, we need to listen to them and work together, it is a procedure that is starting right now and will take some time." German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble said "we will hear the proposals of the Greek government and then we will see what we can do. I don't expect today results but we might be able to draw up a procedure." "Every country is free to do as they want but we have a programme which will either be completed normally or we don't have a programme at all," he added.
Source: KUNA