Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras (R)

Greece will seek a "fair, mutually beneficial" deal with its EU creditors on renegotiating its multi-billion bailout and huge debt, newly-elected Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said Monday.
Among Greece's priorities is "a new renegotiation with its peers in search of a viable, fair, mutually beneficial solution," Tsipras said at his cabinet's inaugural meeting.
The 40-year-old premier added that his administration was one of "national salvation" that was ready to "bleed" to restore his nation's battered dignity.
The new left-wing government that stormed to power in Sunday's general elections insists that recession-hit Greece cannot recover without a generous debt reduction and an end to austerity cuts.
Greece's European partners have been quick to pour cold water on the issue of debt forgiveness since Syriza's election win, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman saying Monday that Greek membership of the eurozone "means... sticking to its previous commitments."
The head of eurozone finance ministers, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, was due in Athens on Friday for talks. European Parliament chairman Martin Schulz was also flying to Greece on Thursday to see Tsipras.
Source: AFP