Managing Director Christine Lagarde

Christine Lagarde, Managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said Monday the Eurgroup is ready to help Greece prepare its request for the extension of its bailout programme. "They have until the end of the week to make the request as was asked by its Eurogroup partners and it's better to work alongside them if they need help," she told reporters after the end of the meeting of the finance ministers of the 19-member Eurogroup here tonight.
On his part, Belgian Finance Minister Johan Van Overtveldt said: "We didn't discuss the possibility of a Greek exit (from the Eurozone).
"The Chairman of the Eurogroup put the possibility of another Eurogroup meeting soon. It depends if the Greek government asks for an extension of the programme, put there will probably be another meeting before the end of next week," he added.
Pierre Gramegna , Finance Minister of Luxembourg said " most of us are disappointed since there was no progress, we don't have any numbers or explanations since last week." "There was no progress compared to last week, there were no data available, no numbers, so it was very difficult to make progress. There were some expectations that have not been met in the very short time, we'll have to wait," he added.
Source: KUNA