Bahraini PM Khalifa bin Salman

Political, economic and military integration amongst the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries should be achieved in order to promote the process of joint cooperation, especially with regard to the establishment of a GCC union, the Bahraini Prime Minister stressed here Sunday.
Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al-Khalifa made this remark during a meeting with GCC Secretary-General Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al-Zayani, Bahrain News Agency reported.
During the meeting, they discussed the the outcomes of the 35th session of the GCC Supreme Council Summit which was recently held in Doha.
Prince Khalifa pointed out that countries of the Gulf region share a common vision of the importance of setting up a Gulf union, especially in the military and police realms, to protect and safeguard the interest of their people.
The Doha Summit tackled many vital issues which are directed towards enhancing the progress of the GCC joint action, he said.
He called for deeper intergradation to achieve more unified GCC accomplishments.
Source: KUNA