President Abdel Fattah El Sisi

President Abdel Fattah El Sisi on Wednesday expressed his confidence that the coming G-20 Summit, that will be held in China on September 4-5 will be a success.

In an interview with the Chinese news agency Xinhua, he added that the 11th G-20 Summit will sure help meet the aspirations of our peoples and the international community at large.

He added that the invitation he received to attend the summit attests to the depth of relations of friendship and partnership between the two countries.

Egypt is keen to support, through its participation, the priorities of the Chinese presidency, he added.

President Sisi noted that the summit is seeking to build an international economy where all efforts are integrated. The developing countries are in need of the economic experience of developed states; which in turn are in need of promising markets to sell their products in developing countries, he explained.

As for Egyptian-Chinese relations, president Sisi noted that these relations are time-honored and well-established. Egypt recognized China in 1956.

Also, China has its own economic and demographic weight at the international level, he added, noting that the cultural bonds between both peoples can not be disregarded.

President Sisi pointed out that he visited China two times in 2014 and 2015 while the Chinese president visited Egypt in January this year.

The two sides are keen on promoting bilateral relations in all fields, said the Egyptian president.

As for measures that are taken jointly by both countries for fighting terrorism and extremism, president Sisi said that today's world became so complicated and rapidly changing and therefore confronts new challenges that are so intricate.

In light of all these challenges, the role of G-20 members, atop of which comes China, is highlighted for undertaking an active role at the international level towards the various world issues, first and foremost terrorism, he said.

The G-20, he added, represents around two thirds of the world population and about 85 percent of the international domestic products together with 75 percent of the world trade movement, said president Sisi.

Egypt, however, is seeking to promote its relations with China in all fields particularly in fighting terrorism, he concluded.

Source: MENA