Finance Minister Anas al-Saleh

Finance Minister Anas Al-Saleh commended here on Wednesday the "productive cooperation" between the National Assembly and the government relating to the current situation of Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE).
In a statement to reporters after attending a National Parliament meeting called by Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim, Minister Al-Saleh said that "the national portfolio is present at market and the falling oil prices cause a decline in stocks.
He added that KSE is not far from the stock markets in the region and across the globe.
He noted that today's meeting reviewed what was discussed in the parliament's last session on the KSE's deteriorating situation.
The meeting also was held to consider recommendations issued by MPs on the bourse's situation, stressing that there is "a semi-agreement between the government and parliament on these recommendations and executive mechanisms." Asked about the government's failure to use some mechanisms with respect to KSE, the minister said there is no shortcoming, but "we always search for development which was among issues discussed in the meeting.
"The KSE has a regulatory and evolutionary role as well," he stressed.
He pointed out that MPs who attended the meeting made some notices that will be considered later.
"We will continue convening such meetings aimed at tackling technical aspects to create an organized and effective stock market to be able to compete with other markets in the region," he said.
Each governmental body attending the meeting briefed the conferees on its own upcoming mechanisms and plans, he explained.
Source: KUNA