Italian Finance Minister Pier Carlo

Italian Finance Minister Pier Carlo Padoan called on Europe Monday to be "courageous" and adopt more structural reforms.
The European Union (EU) countries have been battling recession and inflation over the past years, Padoan said in press remarks on sidelines of the G20 preparatory meetings at the level of Finance Ministers and Governors of Central Banks.
"The (European) continent needs more investment, structural reforms and sound financial policies," he said in reference to the dispute between the new Greek anti-austerity government and the Eurozone.
Padoan said investment would be of the EU's priorities in 2015.
Officials at the preparatory meetings today discussed growth, job creation, supporting private sector and reforms.
Turkey has been chairing the G20 since last December, and is due to host the G20 summit in the southwestern city of Antalya on November 15-16.
Meanwhile, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan said, in a joint press conference with Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Jose Angel Gurria that Ankara sought clear-cut national investment goals in order to boost economic growth.
The two-day meeting will touch upon plans of comprehensive growth strategies, progress on financial reforms and the international tax issues, latest developments regarding the 2010 IMF Quota and Governance Reform.
Source: KUNA