President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi

President Abdel Fattah El Sisi said on Monday that Egypt ranks second among the countries that achieved the highest investment revenues.

Sisi, who is visiting Singapore as part of an Asian tour, made the remarks in an interview with Channel News Asia.

He expressed his happiness over his visit to Singapore, lauding the Singaporean people over the great achievements they have achieved in various fields like industry and education.

The Egyptian president asserted that the parliamentary elections for which October and November were set will take place in a safe atmosphere, his spokesman Alaa Youssef said.

He noted that the upcoming parliamentary elections are the first since the June 30 revolution, which were preceded by a referendum on the constitution and the presidential polls.

Sisi also asserted that the Armed Forces and the police were assigned to provide a safe atmosphere in Egypt for the citizens, foreign investments as well as during the elections.

"Egyptian security forces have not used live ammunition in securing any previous polls," Sisi said, stressing that the Armed Forces and the police only use force against those who use weapons to intimidate people.

He asserted that the elections in Egypt take place in an atmosphere full of transparency and integrity without any intervention.

"The Egyptian people have the final say in choosing their representatives in the parliament," he stressed.

"If the people chose to exclude some movements that practiced violence, this would be their right and free will," he added.

"Choosing candidates is related to the public mood of the Egyptian people rather than the political leadership," he stressed.

He also affirmed that the current government is fully civilian, pointing out that the defense minister is nominated by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, but this does not affect the civilian government.

Asked about the efforts that the Asian countries could exert to counter terrorism, the president pointed out that combating this "scourge" requires a global strategy which is not limited to the security aspect, but includes finding solutions to the economic, social and even the religious problems which have not been appropriately addressed throughout the past years.
Source: MENA