Vice Chairman Chen Zhu

China is a practitioner for sustainable development and has implemented the strategy of sustainable development insistently, said Chen Zhu, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of China's 12th National People's Congress (NPC), in Vietnam's capital Hanoi.
Chen made the remark in his four-day visit to Vietnam till Monday while attending the ongoing 132nd Assembly of the Inter- Parliamentary Union (IPU) held in capital Hanoi.
The post-2015 development agenda of the United Nations should address poverty elimination and development promotion as key tasks, said Chen in his speech in the general debate of the Assembly on Sunday focusing on the Assembly theme "Sustainable Development Goals: Turning Words into Action."
With sustainable development as the basic goal, the mode of development should be diversified while countries of various development levels take common yet different responsibilities, said Chen, adding that NPC will work together with legislatures from the other countries to sustain a harmonious world with economic development, social justice and environmental friendliness.
During his stay in Hanoi, Chen exchanged opinions on the preparation work for the Fourth World Conference of Speakers of Parliaments with IPU President Saber Chowdhury and IPU Secretary General Martin Chungong. He also met Nguyen Sinh Hung, chairman of Vietnam's National Assembly, and IPU delegates from Pakistan, Russia, and Venezuela among others, to discuss bilateral relations, especially communication between legislatures.
Over 1,300 delegates from members and associate members of IPU joined the IPU-132 and related meetings in Vietnam, which last from Saturday to Wednesday.
Source: XINHUA