Head Mohab Mamish

Head of the Suez Canal Authority Mohab Mamish said six harbors are currently undergoing development works as part of the Suez Canal Development Corridor in a bid to contribute to the economic development of the New Canal region and beef the state's economy.

In statements on Sunday during his meeting with a delegation of the Holding Company for Maritime and Land Transportation of the Suez Canal Project and the Suez Canal Development Corridor, Mamish said the harbors that will undergo development include Arish harbor quays to handle up to 80,000 tons of consignments.

He said the Suez Canal Authority will continue to oversee the Suez Canal Development Corridor project till a new body is formed by presidential decree.

Mamish also said the revenues expected after the completion of the project are likely to hit dlrs 100 billion and will provide almost a million job opportunities in the logistics and tourism projects established along the Suez Canal Corridor.

The Suez Canal Authority is providing 1300 tons of fuel on daily basis for the dredgers operating in the new canal, he explained, noting that some 172 cubic meters of water-saturated sand have been lifted from the new canal location with a percentage of 67.2 percent of work accomplished so far.
Source: MENA