EgyptAir chief Sameh el-Hefny

Chairman of EgyptAir Holding Company Sameh el Hefny said 26 EgyptAir flights will carry on Thursday 2,422 passengers to Sharm el Sheikh to attend the Egyptian Economic Development Conference due to be held on Friday.
The passengers include senior delegations from China and UAE as well as Egyptian current and former ministers, public figures, Arab and foreign media figures and international media outlets representatives.
This came during Hefny inspection tour of Terminal 3 at Cairo International Airport in which he met with the working groups of public relations, ground services, maintenance and security.
He urged them to exhort more efforts to facilitate the conference guests' departure and arrival.
During the tour, he said that 18 EgyptAir flights will carry 1,468 passengers to Sharm el Sheikh on Friday.
Source: MENA