Kuwaiti MP Ahmad Alqudaibi

The Strategic Alternative project, expected to be applied in 2017, will offer a 20-25 percent rise in salaries, MP Ahmad Alqudaibi, rapporteur of the National Assembly's Human Resources Development Committee, has said.
This will cover 30 to 40 percent of civil servants, with a total increase of KD 350 million, Alqudaibi said in a press statement after today's committee meeting attended by Finance Minister Anas Al-Saleh, who is also acting Chairman of the Civil Service Commission (CSC).
According to Alqudaibi, up to 35 percent of the civil servants will miss the surge due to their high salaries. Yet, they could receive "a specific rise" owing to inflation over the years.
He noted that the Strategic Alternative will maintain certain types of allowances, social, employment and missions.
The bill will be ready for application in 2017 if approved by the current Parliamentary session, he said.
Meanwhile, the government will this month submit to the National Assembly amendments to be introduced to some relevant laws, the civil service and the decrees of the state-owned companies and rules on promotion.
Source: KUNA