Suhair Al-Qaisi denied in her statement to Arabstoday that one of the senior political figures in her country had proposed to her, saying this is just a rumour. She added that she needs a strongman who outdoes her, and she has not found this man until now. On the professional level, al-Qaisi described herself as one of the most famous Iraqi media professionals and confirmed she would keep working for the Dubai-basaed Al Arabiya Arabic TV station,  and that she has refused many offers from major TV stations. Al-Qaisi said in an interview with at her office in Al Arabiya channel news section in Dubai that “Iraqi politicians are now seeking only power and money and none of them has revolutionary spirit to attract a girl for marriage"  adding that all of them are too elderly. The news anchor aid that the she has determined the specifications for  the man of her dreams, and once she finds him she will be devoted to him. She added that among these  were  that he should  occupy "a respected position", higher than hers, with a strong character, and be generous, compassionate and understanding.” Al-Qaisi said that  were two people who had made the biggest impact on her life; one at the personal level and the other at the professional level. The first is her mother, as she taught her since childhood the love of learning, knowledge, sincerity, devotion, power and patience.  The second is Abdul Rahman Al-Rashed, the head of Al Arabiya channel as he believed in her capability from the beginning. Although she described him as firm and strong in his work,  at the same time she described him as "understanding." Regarding Al Arabiya channel, she said she is proud to be working for Al Arabiya and described is as an "integrated media school"  and that she considered it her second family. Al-Qaisi explained that her profession affected her life as a young woman as it has taken up all her time since she graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry, but this doesn't concern her for she is proud of what she has achieved and she believes she is "the most prominent Iraqi media name." She noted that she was selected by British Fox News as one of the 10 most  influential people in the world for the programme she presented during the Iraqi elections (Parliament Race), as it was considered the first programme of its kind in the Arab world. In addition, she has received many awards.  As for her dispute with the former Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani, she said that he contacted her and apologised and there is no grudge between them and that she respects him very much. Despite her fame, Al-Qaisi sees that she is still at the beginning of the road, and there is much to learn. Although she has received offers from other important channels and institutions, al-Qaisi stated that she would remain at the channel adding that she  would not accept any offer unless it gives her the opportunity to influence others, particularly her own community. In answer to the question as to whether she had undergone plastic surgery she said "No!"  and  with a wide smile, said that her appearance was down to playing sport and eating healthy food. . As for her hobbies, she said she liked reading, playing sports and shopping. Al-Qaisi believes the majority of the Arab media entities are imitating the Western ones and  she feels that" we need to stop this imitation and do it our own way"  according to Arab sensibilities and concerns. She concluded that she is now living happily with her family in Dubai, but despite this happiness she wishes that security would return to her homeland, Iraq, as any happiness cannot be complete without one's.