\"Freedom of creativity\" is not just a slogan that artists chose for the conference hosted by the Press Syndicate, but it actually refers to the artists\' entire attitude towards the country\'s current situation, says Egyptian actress Yusra. In an interview to \'Arabstoday\', the actress said she hopes Egyptians will pay more attention \"to rebuilding Egypt, rather than trying to cover the statues with wax.\" \"We must work together and forget our differences in order to make Egypt rise again,\" she said. \"About Egyptian art, it will have to face several challenges. Egyptian artists have always defended their society and refuse anybody\'s censorship.\" Yusra also expressed her discontent towards the new classification of \'Salafis\' and \'Copts\' recently introduced by the Muslim Brotherhood. \"Citizenship should be the basis of the society, without regards to religion or political views. The difference of opinions is the basis of democracy and we should respect it,\" she said. About the future of Egyptian art after the revolution, Yusra expects that it \"will change for the better, thanks to the changes that are taking place in the society as well. It will take some time, however, as I believe many projects will be delayed in fear of financial loss.\" As the Egyptian actress explains, \"some people fear losses. During the riots, many cinemas had to remain closed. However, some movies after the revolution had huge income at the box office.\" Yusra also told \'Arabstoday\' about her latest movie \"Game Over,\" a light comedy tackling many of the Egyptian main current issues. \"The movie marks my return to the silver screen after my last film Bobbos,\" she said. Yusra is also to star in a TV drama called \"Sharbet al-loz,\" (Almond juice), in which she plays the role of a working class woman living with her two brothers. The series is written by Tamer Habib and co-starred by Samir Ghanem. On the recent trend of having a star ensemble in TV series, Yusra pointed out that ensembles were importantfor any show as a lead actor can\'t star alone. \"It is a very healthy trend, however, since it gives way to young actors to showcase their acting talents. In addition, this trend brings about a new generation of writers and directors.\" Finally, Yusra said that the revolution is not over yet and that she will wait until it will before acting in a movie about it.