Horia Farghaly

Arab artist Horia Farghaly expressed her pleasure for participating in the new TV drama show “The Case G”, scheduled to be presented during the coming season of Ramadan, saying that it is currently filmed in Egypt’s October 6 city in the presence of its leading characters.

She praised the series, describing it as one of the most wonderful dramatic works in the Egyptian or Arab drama. She added that it will be thrilling and exciting, as scenarist Fayez Rashwan managed to present the characters in wonderful way attracting any actor to participate in the show.

She added that she received a large number of scenarios during the recent period to be presented during Ramadan, while she refused, as she did not like any of them, preferring “The Case G” which contains the different factors of success.

She praised the story of the series, saying that it was written in professional way. She also expressed appreciation to Director Hussein Shawkat, saying that he has good experience in leading a large number of successful works. She added that the new drama show contains a number of superstars, including Egyptian actor Ahmed Zaher.

The prominent actress was keen to praise the “New Century” production company, saying that they exert a lot of efforts to ensure their works’ success, saying that the series is the first experience for them in the field of drama.

Regarding her role in the series, she said that she will perform the roles of two different personalities with seven-year age difference, stressing that it is unprecedented experience for her to present such difficult role. She added that this challenge prompted her to participate in the series, expecting that it will enrich her experience.

She stressed her keenness to diversify the roles which she perform, saying that she attempts not to repeat the roles that she played in previous works. She added, “My role in the new TV show will be serious surprise for my fans.”

On the other hand, she revealed that she ended the filming of her new film “Talq Senaee”, praising her participation with Egyptian actor Maged Al Kedwany. She said that the film carries a clear message which is to support the values of equality among the different people.

She denied what raised about filming a third part of her TV drama show “Witch of South”, expressing her happiness of its success during its first two parties. She added that there will not be a third part upon a decision from the production company