Egyptian actor Nelly Kareem said that she will not boycott the Egyptian Presidential Elections that are scheduled to take place by the end of July. She is impressed with former secretary general of the Arab League Amr Musa’s presidential campaign and feels that he will be able to make a difference if elected, said Nelly. According to the internet website, previously Nelly announced that she would boycott the elections since none of the candidates are worth voting for and did not believe their agendas would improve the current instability in Egypt. However, once she listened to Amr’s agenda, she was very impressed and felt he could be the right man for the post. Nelly said that she hopes the new president of Egypt will be sincere and will aim to improve the unstable conditions and bring security to the country and its people.On a different note, Nelly is currently filming the scenes of her new television drama “That” (Self) and hopes to have it ready to be aired during the holy month of Ramadan. The drama stars Nelly, Basem Samrah, Intisar, Hani Adel and Nahed Al Sibaei. The script is written by Mariam Naom and is directed by Kamilah Abu Thiri.