Lebanese singer Melhem Barakat has admitted to Arabstoday that he and fellow star Najwa Karam decided to come clean about rumours suggesting they were getting married, getting married, after he realised the importance of clearing the air surrounding their relationship when she joined MBC's “Arabs Got Talent”. Barakar said Najwa was not in agreement at the beginning  but came round  to the idea as she felt it would generate publicity that would help the programme. “The rumour was spread but some people were using it in an unacceptable way, so we refuted it in order to limit its effect...i was surprised some people attacked my faithful friend Najwa and I for it," he said. Melhem clarified that he delayed releasing his new song in order to let Majida El Roumi’s album gain popularity, with whom he said he had resolved a dispute. "I was angry with her because she released a song written by her and composed by Dr Abdel Rab Edrees, instead of a song I had composed for her,” he said. Barakat denied that he was married to Karam and outlined the conspiracy: “We met for dinner before 'Arabs Got Talent' began...and I suggested we spread a rumour about our marriage. We wanted to shock people, that was the intention along with success for her show...I'm sorry now, and I am sorry for myself because I believed the lie in the end; so I decided to confess that it was a deal  I made with Najwa.” Barakat said he would respond to the singer with two songs, to express the  feelings he has had for her over the past seven years and four months - longer than his previous seven year record with Mai Hariri. He continued: “I have not seen Najwa for two months now, and she has changed her phone number. I advise her to keep changing it and not let me know...I am a sincere person and when I love somebody, I do so strongly and truly.”