Actress Dalia Mustafa

Actress Dalia Mustafa Cairo – Marwa Yehya Actress Dalia Mustafa stressed that accepting a role declined by a fellow actress doesn\'t worry her at all. Her comments come after she took a role which was declined by both Rania Farid Shawki and Eman Alassi, She is now set to star in the

series “That Night” starring alongside artist Hussein Fahmy. Dalia assured ArabsToday that she knows from trusted sources the reasons why both actresses declined the offer, and that she is very satisfied with the role.

Mustafa added that “what concerns me is the extent to which I care for my role, and how much it will help my career, which is why I ensure my roles are of a high standard. It doesn’t bother me to be absent from the artistic scene for a while. What matters is that I do excellent work, and add something new to my achievements.”
Dalia said, “This is the second time I have teamed up with Hussein Fahmy, after working together on “Children of the Elite” which was broadcast last Ramadan and was a huge success. I hope collaborations between us continue, as he is a huge star yet ever so modest. He is always happy to give professional advice and I consider myself lucky to work with someone of the calibre of Hussein Fahmy.”
As for Dalia’s role in “That Night”, the actress will be playing a journalist named Laila who discovers through a newspaper archive that her parents were murdered.  From thereon it becomes her only mission to reveal the mystery behind the murders of her parents.
Asked about why she took on this role, Dalia said, “This role is new to me, I haven’t done something like this before, and the series in general is very special. It hosts a group of big stars such as Hussein Fahmy, Ezzat Abu Ouf, Sherine Abdelaziz, and Director Adel Al-Asar who was a reason for my accepting the part, as he is a highly efficient director. In addition, the script is written very professionally. It is a police drama which is new to Egyptian drama.”
Regarding the reason behind the shoot being paused several times, Dalia said that “it goes back to production reasons affected by the economic circumstances Egypt is going through right now. Everyone working on the show reduced their fees, I reduced mine by 30%, and we’ve got to do that so that production continues.”
When questioned about the reason of her absence from Tahrir Square when the revolution erupted, Dalia explained that she was in America with her husband, artist Sharif Salameh, and that she left her children with their grandmother in Egypt, and only got back to Egypt last February 2nd, but was unable to go down to the Square, as her daughter Salma was in bad psychological state after the rebels shot at her two brothers twice. She expressed her distress at the way protests erupt with and without reason, and demanded that “the nation goes back to normality and to being productive. “ She does believe though that the future will be much better than what it used to be as the nation is capable of punishing who steps out of line and overthrowing them as well if they wanted to.
Dalia is currently awaiting the start of filming her new series “One Hand” starring alongside her husband Sharif Salameh. The filming was postponed due to the financial crisis the country is currently going through. The actress said, “There is no one I can talk to from the production company, we do not know any details about the series or when filming will begin.”
The storyline of “One Hand” is inspired by the revolution beginning from the Gamal Abdel Nasser era up until the revolution. She embodies the character of a Christian girl named Safeyyah who lives a simple life with her Muslim childhood friend Salma, played by Ghada Adel.