Egyptian actress Fadia Abdel Ghani in a statement to Arabstoday said that she feels optimistic about her latest work which will be shown during the Holy month Ramadan. "May God bless us with prosperity, and all the Arab countries as well" adding that this  year she is involved in five drama series. Laughingly she said that she was worried people would envy her as she was working with young actors "who really have great talent!" The first series “Khotot Hamraa” stars Ahmed El Sakka whom she described as "a very skilled actor" adding that she worked with him some years ago in “Nesf Rabie El Akhar” when he was a newcomer and Abdel Ghani played his mother-in-law,  but, she explained, "in “Khotot Hamra” I am playing his mother and the series is directed by Ahmed Shafiq. She added that she is also participating in a series called  “Karioka” with actress Wafaa Amer. "I am playing the role of belly dancer Badiaa Masabny, and I enjoyed taking part in that series which is a biography of the great actress Tahya Karioka." She continued that the third series she is involved in is “Ibn El Nezam” with actor Hany Ramzy. "He is a very brilliant actor and a great comedian, he always tries to make us laugh backstage, and I bet that this series will  be a huge success". The fourth work is  called “ El Dabet wel Galad” starring Tarek Lotfy and the final series  to wrap up her exhausting year is “Taraf Talet” starring Mahmoud Abdel Moghny whom she predicted would have "a very prosperous future." In response to a question about how she coped juggling so many series at one time, she responded “of course that was difficult at the beginning, but  it all depends on organising your time” There is always great competition during Ramadan as to who will be the stars of the season and Fadia had this comment to make ... "This Ramadan will be like a race between the youth and the established actors, but I think the youth will win!”