On stage at the Mozayen Festival in Rabat,  singer Fadel Shaker performed in front of an audience of  200,000, opening  the concert with \"Badk ala Baly\" (You are always on my mind)  followed by the song \"Khedny Maak\" (Take me with you ) which he duetted with the Lebanese singer Yara. Fadel greeted the king and the people of Morocco, before asking them to chant after him the word \"Amen\".  He prayed to God saying: \"God destroy Bashar al-Assad\" to which the audience responded:  \"Amen\". He then resumed singing amid cheers and shouts of thousands of his fans. Fadel Shaker’s son Mohammed, joined his father in his performance, emulating his style Fadel also performed the numbers \"Neset Ansak\" (I don\'t forget) \"Ya Ghayeb\" (Absent One)  \"Allah Aalam \"  (God Knows),  before finishing the concert which lasted for about 2 hours with Dalida’s song “Helwa ya Balady” (How beautiful my country is).