Egyptian Belly dancer Dina denied there were any similarities between her characters in the two TV dramas “Bab El Khalq” and “Ahl El Hawa”, despite playing the role of a belly dancer in both,  explaining that if she had felt the parts were similar, she would have turned down one of them, remarking that she doesn't like to repeat her roles. In a statement to Arabstoday, she said: "My character in “Bab El Khalq” is about a belly dancer who lives in a local neighborhood, who works in night clubs, but during the day she wears a veil. She is a complicated character and brings with the role, a certain difficulty." To emphasise the differences she described her belly dancer character in  “Ahl El Hawa” as "a character who falls in love with Beram el-Tunisy (played by actor Farouk El Fishawy)  and from here the events of the series are totally different despite the fact that she is a belly dancer, as this role brings out the romantic side to the character, which is totally different from the other role."