Islam Shafiq

Orthopedic specialist at Zagazig University and member of the Egyptian Society of Orthopedic Surgeons, Islam Shafiq revealed that, the fetus can have a genetic disease known as “Steel cleft or Open Back” that can lead to complete paralysis. This disease is a default in the spine that can break it and cause the emergence of the Mucous membranes and a part of the spinal cord. This problem can be solved by surgery 48 hours after delivery. This disease has a high rate, as it happens to 4 thousands fetus per year.

Shafiq told “Arab Today” that he is participating in an initiative launched by “Waad” organization of the Ministry of Social Solidarity, to educate citizens about this disease, confirming that, this disease isn’t covered by media despite it seriousness. He advised pregnant women to have Folic acid because it reduces the chances of catching this disease.